
Auckland Boat Show cancelled

Event organiser pulls plug earlier than planned

Following a Zoom meeting with exhibitors today, NZ Marine has decided to once again cancel the Auckland Boat Show due to the current Covid situation in New Zealand.

Being in the ‘Covid Protection Framework Red’ setting, with no indication that Auckland will be in Orange by the time of the event from 17-20 March 2022, it was decided to pull the plug earlier than originally planned.

“The consensus from the Zoom meeting was to recommend to the NZ Marine Board of Management to cancel the March show sooner rather than later so there is certainly going ahead,” said Peter Busfield, executive director of NZ Marine.

President of NZ Marine, Garry Lock, advised: “The Board of Management very much appreciate the support from all exhibitors, sponsors, stakeholders and suppliers to date with this decision. We hope that this now gives you and other exhibitors clarity going forward and we are looking forward to welcoming everyone back to the Auckland Boat Show 9th to 12th of March 2023.”