Be your own captain!

This is the new Selene 62 Ocean Explorer, designed by Howard Chen and Guido de Groot. Can you be your own captain at the helm of this beauty? The answer is yes! Since 1999 almost 500 Selene vessels have been built – and many of them are repeat customers!  Selene yachts can be seen sailing the oceans, from Borneo to Anchorage. And you too can be your own captain!
Safety and range is important in the design of all Selene yachts. Additionally important is the requirement for a low carbon footprint. to take care of Mother Earth. A low carbon footprint, fuel economy and safety are on our list of priorities.

The new 62 Ocean Explorer has it all – beauty, top of the range marine technology, range, comfort, safety and reliability. Whether a yacht for two or for a family, a Selene can take her crew beyond the horizon in style. Behind the modern sleek and curvy lines, the new 62 Ocean Explorer is a powerful blue-water passagemaker and a luxury floating home, ready for any ocean in the world.

Two Selene 62’s, three Selene 60’s, a Selene 72 and a Selene 88 are currently under construction at the shipyard.  If you want to know more about this beautiful Selene 62 Ocean Explorer, contact Yachtfinders Global now.