Ensure that you have all documentation up-to-date and ready to hand including any service and maintenance records.
Cleaning is absolutely imperative. Appearance is quickly affected by sun, salt and deck grime that runs down the side of the boat leaving streaks across the hull when it rains. Make sure your boat is in pristine condition before any viewing.
Clean your bottom! It might be out of sight – out of mind, but removal of algae and other water life is essential to maintaining speed, performance and also fuel economy. A serious buyer will most definitely check.
Regularly check that all operational equipment is in good working order, and especially that the engine starts easily. (It may sound like a chiche, but this is often a highly embarrassing occurrence and far more common than you might think)
Check rigging and sails, navigation lights, horn, bilge pumps, lights, winches,heating, gas appliances, generator, cooking facilities, taps and toilet.
Remove any equipment or furnishings that you don’t plan to include with the sale.
Replace anything that is not working properly, won’t clean up well, or is badly worn.
Make sure that for use in any advertising on or offline, your images are clear and show the boat from every vantage, these are best taken on a bright sunny day.