Yachtfinders Global checks out new Absolute releases at Cannes

With borders open and international travel back underway, the Yachtfinders Global team are off to Europe to check out the latest offerings from Absolute Yachts.

While this year’s international dealers’ meeting will once again be held online, the team is heading for Milan to visit the Absolute yard to check in on boats being built for the New Zealand market, then attending the Cannes Yachting Festival, the world’s most prestigious boat show, in early September.

The Absolute production facility, southeast of Milan in northern Italy, is 48,000 square metres (4.8 hectares) in size, and has 250 employees. Three boats for New Zealand are currently under construction there: a 47 Fly for a client in Tauranga, a new sedan-style 48 Coupé and a Navetta 48.

“We haven’t been able to go to the yard for a couple of years now, so it will be great to get back there — it’s a very impressive facility,” director Gary Erceg says. “We know about a few of the new models coming up, but we’ll be able to learn a lot more after the dealers’ meeting and by visiting the shipyard.”

Then it’s on to the Cannes Yachting Festival, where Absolute is showcasing several new models as it celebrates its twentieth anniversary in business.

“Cannes is the biggest boat show in the world nowadays,” Erceg says. “We’re going to be there for the whole show, which will be an absolute pleasure, as we haven’t been able to go since 2019. Prior to that we’ve been there every year for the previous ten years.”

On display at Cannes will be the new Absolute 48 Coupé, the 50, 62 and new 56 Fly models, and the Navetta 48, 52, 64, 68 and 75. The Navetta 75, also known as the Absolute Sphere, is the company’s flagship model, the largest boat produced by the yard, with a terrace-style cockpit and a huge flybridge area, two-thirds the length of the boat.

“We’ve not seen the new coupé, the 56 Fly or the Navetta 64, so that’ll be very exciting,” Erceg says. “We think the Coupé will be popular in New Zealand, so it’ll be great to get aboard and then be able to share more knowledge about it with potential Kiwi buyers once we get back home.”