Selene 6219 Ocean Explorer “C.Wave” Launch Party and Update

Launching Party

  • The launching party of Selene 6219 Ocean Explorer “C.Wave” was held in Zhuhai Selene Shipyard on 12/05/2024.
  • The owner sponsored the party, which featured a live band and a buffet meal.
  • 150 workers attended the party and enjoyed the celebration.

First journey

  • C.Wave is scheduled to go to Hong Kong on 13/05/2024 and stay there for four days for logistic supplement.
  • On 17/05/2024, C.Wave will set sail for the first leg of the journey, crossing the ocean from Hong Kong to Subic Bay in the Philippines. The voyage will take about two days.
  • On 19/05/2024, C.Wave will depart from Subic Bay and cruise along the coast of Indonesia for the second leg of the journey, reaching Singapore in six to seven days, depending on the weather. The voyage will be non-stop.
  • The designer Howard Chen, along with the owner and two crew members will make the journey.